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🌟<strong>Mighty Catcher Store </strong>🌟<strong> Grand Opening in Taipei </strong>🎊🎊🎊<strong>.

作家相片: tabmighty128tabmighty128

🌟Mighty Catcher Store 🌟 Grand Opening in Taipei 🎊🎊🎊

Attention please📣📣 The first Crane Game Store will be located in Taipei, Taiwan and opening on this Sunday (15 Dec)😍 Celebration event will be held on 2 pm at that day🔥 Taiwan popular Youtubers Yan & Yan’s Dad will be there to meet with fans.

Even more, there will be Fans Claw Game Contest, Yan’s live claw game tips and lucky draw. Mighty Catcher players are all welcome to join the opening event. Hope to see you there🥳

Event Details: Date & Time: 5 December, 2 PM⏰ Address: Crane Game Store No. 8, Lane 43, Section 1, Bade Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan

Offer link: APK下載: Complete the following steps in advance:

  1. Follow the link above, find it in the App Store, then press “Play Now”& download Mighty Catcher App.

  2. Start game, skip “Learn”, then click the figure in the lower right corner & then click “Register”.

  3. Enter personal email and custom password.

  4. ❗Recommendation code input: K4tSNdkpZZQC

  5. Successfully registered, log in and then re-bind according to the above offer link to start the game. ❗Note❗ Remember to click on the link again after logging in the game, the discounts can be bound to take effect. APK下載: It’s recommended to follow this link every time, press “Play Now” to open the game program. 💡Tip 1: There are thousands of scenery choices for you to choose, you can choose and collect your favorite scenery first (type ❤️) for easy access to game. For other tips, such as how to practice different models for free? How to get caught? Visit Telegram for details. Welcome to add: Telegram ID: In addition to sharing tips, there are various discounts, prepaid offers & special gifts in return from time to time. For gain more experience, please contact us.

【🌟全球首間🌟】《抓力全開》專營店 台灣開幕🎉 《抓力全開》台北忠孝新生店12月15日正式開幕😍 台灣抓著名Youtuber抓娃娃達人彥和彥爸,將現場示範打台技巧教學🔥 還有粉絲夾娃娃積分比賽,超多豐富節目及抽獎活動,抓娃娃同好必去哦💥

📆活動日期:12月15日下午2時 🎇開店歡樂賞 重點逐個看🎇 【🎈彥現場示範打台教學】 彥跟彥爸現場傳授抓娃娃技巧,不論是實體機台還是線上夾娃娃🎆

【🎈粉絲夾娃娃積分即場PK】 終極考驗各位台灣抓娃娃達人技術,現場PK炫耀技術👾

【🎈抓力全開線上抓娃娃攻略】 由彥在場表現利用遊戲中的鏡頭,遙距操控娃娃機的純密心得😏

【🎈開店歡樂大抽獎🎁】 終極大抽獎,送出跟彥及彥爸怦然❤️動約會2小時的超難忘體驗💥YANLIFESTYLE專屬T恤等豐富獎品🎁

📍台灣《抓力全開》實體店地址: 台北市中正區八德路一段43巷8號 24小時 營業




  1. 按上述連結,再按”Play Now”,跳入App Store 下載《抓力全開》App

  2. 開啟遊戲,可以略過教學,然後按右下角人仔,再按「註冊」。

  3. 輸入個人電郵及自訂密碼

  4. ❗推薦碼輸入:K4tSNdkpZZQC

  5. 註冊成功後,登入並再按上述優惠連結再次綁定,便可開始遊戲。

❗注意❗ 記緊登入遊戲後要再點選連結,相關優惠才能綁定生效。 建議每次也經此連結進入,按”Play Now”開啟遊戲程式。


💡貼士1: 有過千款景品任君選擇,可先選好並收藏心儀景品(打❤),方便直接進入機台。

有關其他貼士,例如如何免費練習不同機款?如何甩抓?將於 Telegram內詳細分享。

歡迎加我好友: Telegram ID:

除技巧分享外,還不定時有各種指定機種折扣、充值優惠、及特別回贈送上。 有關其他教學,也歡迎查詢。

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