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💰Free Coins from Caishen💰

作家相片: tabmighty128tabmighty128

💰Free Coins from Caishen💰 Say Kung Hei Fat Choi to Caishen! Like👍🏻 Mighty Catcher Facebook to get bonus M-coins from Caishen Claw!

✨Steps✨ 1. Find and click Caishen Claw banner in <Mighty Catcher> 2. Like Mighty Catcher Facebook page 👍👍 3. Like this post👍 4. Receive Caishen's Bonus M-coins in the mailbox in game

⚠️Notice The coin will be issued to participants once in 1 day after like the post & page.

📆Event Period:From 2020/1/25 to 2020/1/27 11:59pm (GMT+8) ⚠️T&C:

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